How to get the best out of this blog...

All blogs post are more recent first, if you want to read about Ellie's Journey I'd suggest starting from the first post back in September 2011 (October Posts) and read on Chronologically from there. It will make more sense and you'll get to meet the little girl who gave my life purpose.
Thank You for reading - every new reader shows that she has met another person and in her short life made such an impact. x

Tuesday 26 October 2010

Tuesday 26th October

I've had a very long night and I'm ever so tired. Mummy stayed at the hospital last night and was awake most of the time checking on me. When I sleep my oxygen levels dip and make the monitor beep a lot. I have my tube back in which is good because I get a full tummy quickly and get plenty of rest but I was still very sick in my cot at 3am which wasn't nice for my sleepy mummy to clear up she was helped by lovely nurse Becky.

Here we go again...

Because I am so snotty they stick a suction tube up my nose which is most unpleasant - my bogies have now gone to be looked at under a microscope - what a rubbish job for someone!

I have a had a tough day trying to eat, I threw up another feed at Lunchtime and missed Daddy by inches.

Liz the dietician came to advise reducing my volumes - while I may not be getting as much there is less chance of me throwing up apparently and as this isn't a pleasant experience I should like to not do it.
I got to try on an oxygen mask today - how Michael jackson is that?

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear that you are back in hospital Ellie. I hope you are fit enough to go home again soon
    lots of love to everyone
    Trish x
