Poor daddy had the shock of this life being woken with her screams, I must admit I don't remember the hurried 999 call, the paramedic turning up, the ambulance men with their big clompy boots bringing dirty snow footprints into my once cream nursery carpet.

Had this been our first time in an ambulance together Mummy may have been more nervous but she was very strong and organised, she remembered to bring all my things and a chocolate bar (incase she fainted I think). Daddy had to scrape lots of snow off his car and follow us. The nice ambulance man managed to get me breathing again but said that I was a very grey colour, everything was a blur as we rushed to the hospital but eventually things calmed down at the accident and emergency. Lots of people were at the door waiting for me...its a bit like being famous but no one wants your autograph.

I was in a side room and got settled, my colour was better and everyone seemed relieved, so I had some breakfast at 6 and then Daddy popped home around 7 to walk Marlee and Lilly and my nice nurse Suze packed up to go home at the end of her shift.
Once it was just me and Mummy I started to get really warm, and then I decided to scare her again and I had another seizure, the monitor was in she saw my oxygen levels drop to 27%, I went stiff again, Mummy had to run out to the corridor and Suze dropped her bags and ran in with her coat and scarf, alarm bells were ringing and there were doctors everywhere. Within seconds I was yanked out of my cot and rushed into the High Dependancy room with doctors surrounding me and eventually they got me to wake again. I think Mummy and Daddy were in a little puddle on the floor by now.|
10AM: I then had sticky things on my chest attached to wires, wires attached to my feet, my tummy, and then they stuck a big needle in my hand to put a canula in (not had one of those for a while) incase I needed a shot of rescue drugs for my fits. Dr Burns came in to talk about ressussitation and plans of action - this is all very serious stuff. Its not good stuff and Mummy and Daddy were pretty spaced out.

I had my head stuck in a plastic greenhouse box which had oxygen pumped into it, after about half an hour I was a bit better and then I had to move rooms because there was another sick baby who needed help.
6PM: I had my tea in there and then half an hour later the alarm was sounding again and all the doctors were running from all over the place. Mummy and Daddy shrunk into a corner in the room. By now I think they thought I was trying to leave them, the doctors had to use a resussitation method on me called a bag and air...it must have been scary to watch, I guess I was a bit oblivious.
When I came to, my tummy was very round and bloaty, Dr Gillan was concerned that I was suffering from Reflux and I am now on medication for this called Omeprazole (which kills acid in my tummy) was well as my seizures and all my medicine to keep my tummy from getting full or acidy. All medication takes a while to work so they needed to monitor me closely. Mummy has written a timetable on the noticeboard.
Daddy slept in my room with me on a really thin and hard bed, he wanted to be close by in the night if anything happened. Mummy had spent such a lot of the day crying she was as tired as Daddy but she had to sleep in a separate room down the corridor.
I was a good girl until about 11PM when I had another seizure, this time I wasn't as stiff and my Oxygen levels dropped below 70%, this makes things beep a lot. Daddy was probably on edge by now but he didn't wake Mummy as didn't want to worry her again.
There are just no words!!!! You keep fighting princess. Love you and mummy and daddy so much. Tell mummy to call me when she can. LOVE YOU kisses xrx