Mummy and Daddy sat 'observing' me with the a senior nurse Helen, Mummy used to go to school with her a long time ago so they were nattering a bit I think this really helped Mummy and Daddy calm down after such a long and stressful day, she made them both a warm drink - this is supposed to help with shock apparently.

Morning shift change over came and Tara was back to look after me and she arranged for one of the ladies in the pink tops to bring me some lovely lights for my cot. I still wasn't allowed milk just Mummy's rubbish finger. After the ward round I saw the Dr and he said I could have milk, I had 40mls and guzzled it all up - all that sulking finally paid off.
I am now having some other medication for the reflux called Domperidone (Daddy calls it My Champagne - Dom Perignion) also Senna to help my tummy. I am having less volumes now over three hours to help me manage my feeds.
Mummy asked about having Oxygen at home to aid in an emergency if I have seizures again - its being looked into. The homecare team are responsible for organising this. When I am feeding Mummy and Daddy have had the Oxygen on standby incase my levels drop.
Grandma came this afternoon to bring Mummy and Daddy clothes for their second night in the hospital. Mummy had asked her if she could get me an advent calender but no luck. She'd been out with the Doggies in the snow - I still haven't been it to see the snow so I'm a bit jealous. Then afterwards Nanny Tina and Aunty Bella came because Aunty Bella had hurt her wrist and had to be at the hospital too.
had to come in and check on me - I got to see my nice nurse Emma who helped me to burp and she gives lovely cuddles. I have also been cuddling Flossy Bunny.
My tummy was very swollen after my tea so I had a Glycerin tablet up my bottom to help me poo - it really works fast!!!
Daddy slept in my room again, because Mummy says he could sleep through a tornado and she can hear mice farting so she went into the ward room. I have an apeonea monitor on me now which monitors my breathing and I was very settled, enjoying staring at my lights.
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