No. hours of uninterrupted hours of sleep for Mummy - 2
No. nurses who attended to me because of my aponea monitor - 5
No. times aponea monitor bleeped unnecessarily - there are not enough fingers and toes!!I didn't realise it was possible to have bags as dark as Mummy's - poor thing. She still puts me before her beauty sleep and never the less sat with me even when I was upset and agitated at 6am. When she cuddled me it was probably a bit mean to throw up on her- Oops.
I had a very busy morning - by 9am I'd had two nurses running round after me, my speech therapist, dietician, homecare nurse and a physio all in my room.
I am now a porky 4.75kg/10lb 6 today which is pretty good going based on the week I've had.
Mummy had been monitoring my O2 and asked the nurses if it could be turned off based on my target for early release, when they wern't looking she whipped those progs out of my nose...24hrs and counting. If all goes well Dr Burns says I can go home tomorrow.
3hrs off O2 and 97% saturation.... |

12pm - Daddy arrived! Yay! Just in time to give me lunch. Grandma came and then the lovely bubble lamp lady, Jane came with a really tall man, I think he's my biggest blog fan, Tony. He spoke to me in a funny voice and I nearly smiled him. Jane brought me a very special Christmas star so we hung it off my pump stand for now and Mummy says she will get a Christmas tree very soon to hang it properly.
I got a letter from Father Christmas today!! How exciting....I really want to get to spend a lovely Christmas at home with Mummy and Daddy.....I'm going to wish upon my special star.
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