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My new top from Olivia and Nicole Palin. xx |
The day started early for me at 4am when I had a big belly full of wind. Mummy sat with me and the tub of grape seed oil and she made circles round my belly for an hour. Carole popped her head in and made her a cup of coffee with extra sugar, which she drunk to help keep her eyes open. Ray Ray Red Boa came in and kept Mummy Company for a bit because I was making a few un comfy noises, eventually after an hour I had a rumble downstairs. One nice fresh nappy later and ...yawn....all ready to sleep again, while Mummy was wide awake on caffeine, oops.
Talking about caffeine, I think I was joking about it the their day, but apparently Dr Burns is going t give me wings, apparently premature babies often are given caffeine to help stimulate their brain so that they don't forget to breathe, as I normally do this anyway its worth a shot! So now I’ll be having Red Bull after all ;-)
Mummy, Daddy and I are really touched by how much everyone is getting involved with my fundraising. Firstly a quick mention to Big Cousin Glyn at Vicars Cross Golf Club and Ken Heaton (Grandma's neighbour) at Everton is busy selling raffle tickets for Grandma's big Coffee Morning next Saturday morning at Great Barrow Village Hall near Chester. But also there has been some amazing activity also going on....
I'm in the news again I got a mention in a newspaper article all the way in Reading - amazing Mum Wendy Shaw is warming up as you read putting on her trainers and getting ready to run 50 whole miles - crazy! But how cool is that, running for me when she's never even met me. Good Luck from us all over here Wendy and just to embarrass you more here's your newspaper article! P.s At this rate you never know we might get a ward! Hee Hee!
Big Thanks to Amy at I heart you Jewerllery who today now has blisters all over her fingers and has donated a massive £200 to the Little Miss Ellie fundraising campaign from sales of the 'Little Miss Ellie Purple heart necklace'. In just one week from you bloggers - You are all fantastic, and dont forget there are other colours available! ;-)
Daddy might get a red one for Mummy for Valentines and I might get a blue one for Mummy for Mothers day - just a thought.
Another bit of publicity:- thank you to my lovely Maureen who works with East Cheshire Children's Deaf Society for a mention on their online site. http://www.ecdcs.co.uk/newsletters/Newsletter%2001.11.pdf

They have had a dress down day raising over £620 and Claire provided and arranged a raffle for one of Mummy's favourite things, CAKE, made by a very clever lady called Katie Canavan...look at that....which after being raffled today has raised a further £138! £758 in total! Mummy is going to add that to our off line donations today.
As for me, I've had a restful day, no interruptions, except when I was rudely awoken for a bath, but as I like baths it's really ok! I had a visit from Alison Flowers again who brought some salad for Mummy and Daddy to help with them being rundown, they like having green stuff now and again. Mummy thinks it will help make her eyes less blotchy, even if she just wears the cucumber rather than eating it.
Penny came for a visit too and on her birthday as well! Happy Birthday Penny! x Thank You for coming.
I started the day having cuddles with Mummy watching breakfast television and I'm ending the day watching movies having cuddles with Daddy. That'll do for me.
Well YOU may have had a restful day Ellie, but I am exhaustedd just reading all that's been going on for your fundraising! So many people doing wonderful things for your charity; and that cake is just beautiful. Night, night sweetheart. Love Grandma xx