I had some more Physio today and had my hips swivelled and arms wiggled and neck jiggled, Caroline wears rubber gloves and a yellow apron when she touches me. Rubber hands feel weird.
Mummy asked Slim Fast Plan Kath about juice, Can I have juice? – Yes I can, as long as it’s mixed with this thickening stuff called Carobel to make sure I’m drinking safely and it goes down the right hole and not into my lungs as that is bad news.
So I had juice for the first time, I wasn’t sure about juice, I pulled a very funny shape with my mouth, I thought about it for a few minutes, then I think I like juice, I like juice a lot….give me more juice yum yum yum….now I can have juice in between milk when I get thirsty. Thank you Mummy for asking and thank you Kath for saying yes.
Pink Lady Shelly came in before lunch armed with white paint and black card. I saw her through a little sneaky eye while I was snoozing having Tummy time. Mummy likes it when my bum is up in the air for tummy time; she said it’s really ripe for a good squidge. So she squidges! The doctors said when I was born that because I had low muscle tone I would probably not ever have much of a bum, but I think Mummy disagrees and its all Shelly can do not to squidge it too! As I dosed Mummy and Shelly painted my hands and made pretty prints.

In more fundraising news, Hello to David who made Mummy speechless by offering to get together some people to do a big London bike ride in my name, he’s designed t-shirts and all sorts, big old clever clogs he is. So if any of you are in that there big London and want to do the same we will post some more information. And Get on your Bike!
Mummy watched the news today and was telling me all about some rivers in Australia that have burst and flooded in a really big part of the country where Grandad and Nanny Margaret live. She and Daddy have been thinking about them lots and hope they aren’t swimming in their back garden with Crocodiles as they usually don’t have a swimming pool and Crocodiles can burst lilos with their teeth, along with other things apparently. (Lots of love Grandad and Nanny Marg, Hello too, Liz, Andy, Griffin and Rosemary. Hope you and your friends and families are safe xx)
Andrea Polkadot has nominated herself to become my named nurse because she is the acting ward manager she is here everyday and likes to know what’s going on anyway so this means that she will oversee my care and be the one nurse who knows everything they need to know about me. I gave her a little test drive today as had a few wobbles on my oxygen monitor but didn’t make any alarms go off.

PS we had some fan mail today come to my room at Ward 17. Tee Hee. How nice
I agree with Mummy that your bottom is VERY squidgeable! You take after her with your artistic abilities too - those hand prints are GREAT! Lots of love from Grandma XXX