How to get the best out of this blog...

All blogs post are more recent first, if you want to read about Ellie's Journey I'd suggest starting from the first post back in September 2011 (October Posts) and read on Chronologically from there. It will make more sense and you'll get to meet the little girl who gave my life purpose.
Thank You for reading - every new reader shows that she has met another person and in her short life made such an impact. x

Monday, 17 January 2011

Monday 17th January- Are you following??

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Yay! Mummy’s back and although Daddy did very well yesterday  without her she still managed to spot a couple of things he didn’t do yesterday, I think she needed to or else why does she need to be here if Daddy does such a good job?
So apparently I missed out on my bath yesterday, good job I wasn’t out playing in mud then isn’t it.
I got to wear the matching outfit I wasn’t wearing yesterday, ‘Oh Boys’ Mummy said, fancy not putting the right outfit on. (Pls to see Puff ball Skirt as per gift from Nanny Tina)
 But Thank You Daddy, because you were brilliant really, it’s just that Mummy came in with her head still not on the right way round being a bit grumpy!
So then, weigh in, Ugh….oops…I’m still putting on lots of weight, now 14lb 7oz/6.58kg. I am now on the 50th percentile on my charts for weight and height, which means I am as fat as I am long. I am a ball.
Not bad going for someone was on the 0.4th! Although the bad news is that Slim Fast Plan Kath is dropping my high energy feed at tea time now so I may still get hungry.

Mary from Audiology appeared this morning, with a little brown parcel, my new hearing mould, she was fast sneaking it in and then I started to hear stuff again for the first time in ages. I heard Gloworm singing and Mummy singing and Daddy talking and Mummy telling Daddy not to sing.
Every now and again I wake up and I wonder …ooooh what’s that noise…it makes me cry a bit but then I remember where I am and who all these faces are staring at me. I saw a new face today, well, a face I’ve not seen in a while, Nurse Becky was looking after me today, she mentioned that her friend, the animal man has been talking about shaving his legs for charity, so I thought by mentioning it and saying how much we would appreciate it, would give him a friendly little push. ;-)

Talking of fundraising, why wouldn’t I,  it’s close to my heart - Mummy has been asked to ok some t-shirt designs for David’s bike race today, he’s also made a logo to put on Facebook, how cool is that? I feel like a proper celeb! Mummy has updated her status and so has Daddy – you could too if you want t spread the word!
We have also had a visit from Mummy’s aqua friend Emma who as well as treating me to a fancy little outfit, (see tomorrow’s blog as shall be wearing) has brought in lots of goodies for the raffle. Emma is a (shy) singer and shy at having her photo taken, so no pictures of her today but she said that she is in the throws of possibly getting a classical musical concert together for later on in the year!!

Grandad and Nanny Tina came later in the day bringing chicken soup for Mummy, how thoughtful. I think she’s back on the mend now for any of you concerned but she definitely won’t be having a chicken passanda for a while.
I had my bath while they were here, as I like to show off my big fat belly! Grandad has a poorly back though and he had to sit down to watch as he hurts to stand for too long.
Get better soon Grandad. Xx

Becky talked too me while I had my tea so that Mummy and Daddy could have theirs in the parents room. They weren’t away long though as there is nothing to do in there except sit and eat. There is no television, no radio, no clock no kettle, there were once but not anymore. Daddy was a bit miffed today because his weight watchers chicken fajitas wrap went walkabout. How rude.
For the first time properly that I could hear I got some lullabies to help me sleep, other than feeling Mummy's good vibrations before I had sound! One was enough because my hearing aid has been on all day and after a while I really want my peace and quiet back, so a big yawn and off to sleeps for me. Night, night.
(Night, Night Beautiful Girl - Sleep Well)


  1. Hello Ellie, I thought it was funny when you called yourself a ball today on your blog! Talking of balls, please tell your Mummy and Daddy that I've written to a nice man at the Crewe Alex in the hope that he will send a nice ball with lots of squiggles all over it for your auction. I hope that is ok. My little girl (she's 3!) loves reading your blog too and asks me to show her a picture of you everyday. You really are a celebrity! Lots of love, Nicola xx

  2. Hi Ellie, Ive been following your blog every day since I saw you in the Chronicle. Im pleased to hear that your Mummy is back now, but Im sure your Daddy did just fine. I have also just got hearing aids but Im a LOT older than you and things do sound a bit strange dont they. It gets very tiring listening to all these new noises and not many people know that do they :) But hearing gloworm, lullabies and Mummy's and Daddy's singing are just the best things to listen to. Hope you have a good day tomorrow xx
