How to get the best out of this blog...

All blogs post are more recent first, if you want to read about Ellie's Journey I'd suggest starting from the first post back in September 2011 (October Posts) and read on Chronologically from there. It will make more sense and you'll get to meet the little girl who gave my life purpose.
Thank You for reading - every new reader shows that she has met another person and in her short life made such an impact. x

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Another step forward...

Today we watched as Ellie's Tree was finally delivered and planted in the Church field across from where we live. It will be lovely to see it grow year after year and should start to flower in March.

 All funds for the tree came from very generous donations from those who attended her funeral last year.

English Wild Cherry (Prunus avium 'Plena')