How to get the best out of this blog...

All blogs post are more recent first, if you want to read about Ellie's Journey I'd suggest starting from the first post back in September 2011 (October Posts) and read on Chronologically from there. It will make more sense and you'll get to meet the little girl who gave my life purpose.
Thank You for reading - every new reader shows that she has met another person and in her short life made such an impact. x

Monday, 11 July 2011

Interested in taking part in a sponsored walk?

A lovely Lady from Davenham Ramblers called Denise has been in touch today, she is friends with Gill Bennett, who is Ellie's Great Step Grandmother (complicated family us!).
She is setting up a sponsored walk which will be for Ellie's fundraising and will be doing it on a very special day - the 4th of September, which would have been our beautiful girl's 1st birthday. :'''''-(

The walk will start from Chester train station to the Forest View Inn at Oakmere along the Baker Way.
Sounds like a good excuse for a celebratory pint afterwards!
Dan and I will not be able to attend but for all keen walkers who'd be interested in participating please email

Thank You x