Daddy decided to stay up watching tv until it was time to do my 2am feed, this meant he was mega tired this morning and so Mummy left him in bed 'til nearly ten o'clock. I seem to be getting a poorly tummy again and Mummy has noticed that I have started to have some fits too, she will need to check that because I'm putting on weight that my medication might need to be increased.
Mummy took Lilly and Marlee for a long walk, but Lilly came back limping so Mummy had to rush off to the vets, she left me having cuddles with Simon, I don't often get man cuddles unless with Daddy or Grandad so that was nice. Lilly came home with a funny green bandage and then everyone had breakfast.
Big cousin Simon looks very happy giving you at cuddle. It makes a change from looking a Daddys face I bet (Hee! Hee!)Poor Lilly, hurting her paw. Give her a kiss to make it better.